Sunday, March 28, 2010

Place page numbers


I am curious about how to place page numbers correctly. My page numbers don't overlap exactly on either side of the page.

I tried moving the zero point, but the problem seems to be that I cannot change the horizontal placement of the number within the text box. Matching the boxes vertically is not a problem, though.

Thanks for any help anyone can give me!


James G
Place page numbers
If you have two text frames that start at the same height, but text in

them is starting at different heights, then one frame is either using a

different first line offset or a different top inset. Or they're using

different vertical justification, or possibly a different baseline grid.

All of these are in Object %26gt; Text Frame Options.

If you think that another object might be affecting one of your frames

with text wrap, try turning on Ignore Text Wrap, also in Text Frame Options.

Of course, check the obvious: extra returns above the page number (check

baseline offset too, and leading if frame uses leading for first line



Kenneth Benson

Pegasus Type, Inc.
Place page numbers
Oops, just read this again. For horizontal placement, check text inset,

check text wrap. What kind of overlap are you looking for? If the

numbers are on ''either side of the page'', they shouldn't overlap at all.

Are you trying to get them on the outside of all pages? Or the center of

all pages?

Zero point affects every page the same way. Moving the zero point just

means that all measurements are equally affected.


Kenneth Benson

Pegasus Type, Inc.

Hello Kenneth,

Sorry, I shouldn't have used the word overlap; yes, they are on either side of the page. I am trying to get them on the outside of all pages, with each box equidistant from the page edge - for example, .25 of an inch. Also, since the text in the text box starts at the left edge, it is difficult for me to make sure the page numbers are in the same position; how can I get the text to start from the right side of the text box, or is there a different way to accomplish this?

I checked those things you mentioned: vertical justification, first line offset, and they are the same on page master pages. The pages themselves have several gif images on them, could that be causing the problem? All the text boxes on the left/right pages are have the same ''text frame'' settings.

At the extreme left of the Control panel (Window %26gt; Control) is the

Reference Point proxy. It looks like 9 little squares in a 3x3 grid.

Choose the upper left square. This means that all measurements come from

the upper left.

On the left master page, set the frame holding the page number at .25''

from the left (the X: number should be set to .25''). Make sure the page

number is set to Align Left (in the Paragraph panel) and that the page

number is the first character in the frame.

Now go back to the Reference Point proxy. Choose the upper *right*

square. This means that all measurements come from the upper right.

On the right master page, set the frame holding the page number at .25''

from the right (again, the X: number should be set to .25''). Make sure

the page number is set to Align Right and that the page number is the

last character in the frame.

Go back to the Reference Point proxy and set it back to upper left,

because you're used to thinking of measurements as coming from the upper


Now your page numbers should be aligned to the outside of the page, with

.25'' of space from the outside of the page number to the outside of the

page. If they're still not positioned correctly, then one of your images

has text wrap turned on and is pushing the page numbers away. Choose the

text frame holding the page number, go to Text Frame Options and click

''Ignore Text Wrap''.


Kenneth Benson

Pegasus Type, Inc.

%26gt;again, the X: number should be set to .25''

I don't think that's quite right. The X value should be .25 less than whatever the ruler value of the right page edge is, and that's never likely to equal .5. If the ruler origin is on the spine, the right edge will be at the page dimension, so the correct X value would be page width minus .25 (and depending on the version of ID, the left edge may be a negative number, not zero), if the ruler is set per spread, it would be twice the page width minus .25. If you move the zero point to the right edge, the X value will need to be negative.

In any case, what Ken is trying to say is put the left edge of the number frame on the left page a quarter-inch from the page edge and left align the text, and put the right edge of the number frame on the right page a quarter-inch from that edge and right align the text.


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