Friday, March 26, 2010

ID CS4 to Flash XFL issues

Not sure whether this goes here or the Flash forum. My issue is that I am trying to design a print-size document, export to XFL, and import to Flash with editable text etc (as advertised).

But when I open the XFL I get the first few items pulled in OK, but everything else in the whole doc looks like it has been corrupted or something. Missing text, images, and tables that are half missing. I've done about all I can think of to remedy the problem. Re-exporting, making a completely new ID file and copying stuff over, making a new file and starting from scratch, deleting things off the page and re-exporting to see if it was one particular object as the culprit, etc.

I also tried it on my Mac at home with the same results. odd thing is, every once in a blue moon, on export, it will be perfect. Only ever got that on a 1 page test export, though. Never an entire doc.

We'd been hoping to implement this new tech into our work flow, but with this issue, that is nigh impossible. I'm hoping it's something as simple as a check box I have somehow unchecked. Haven't seen anything like this in the first few pages of this forum, so I was wondering if I was the only one.

The document is really not at all complex. Just a few placed images and paragraph styles and 1 vector asset.

XFL Export settings are as follows:

Size: Scale: 100%

Pages: All

Text: InDesign Text to Flash text

System specs are:

Windows Vista 32 bit

CS4 Design Premium (all available updates applied)

3.5 GB ram

2.41 GHz AMD Opteron

Mac I used is the late 2008 unibody Macbook 2.0 GHz model, also running fully patched CS4

ID CS4 to Flash XFL issues
Pull out the table and try again. I don't do this much (really just

demos) and I've seen problems with files that contain tables.

ID CS4 to Flash XFL issues
Thanks for the quick reply Bob.

Just gave that a shot and still have the same issues. Missing/garbled text and missing paragraph styles.

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