I have been using Indesign for quite a while but I have noticed recently that when I export an Indesign document to a PDF the quality of Just the Text is really poor. I have been messing around with the Transparency Blend Space, but have made sure that the blend space of the document is RGB and that the text is black RGB, this doesn't seem to help at all. This has never happened before. Can anybody help? My email address is g.jones@britglass.co.uk
Exactly what PDF Export settings are you choosing?
Mike Witherell in Maryland
Standard, I haven't changed anything! I have just tried pdfing an old document that used to come out perfect and the text is screwed on that also.
When you say Standard, what exactly are you choosing? File %26gt; Export PDF is what you should be doing; then you must be saving to a filename, then you must be choosing a PDF joboption from the dropdown list at the top of the busy dialog box. Which one? Thereafter, you might be making even other detailed choices.
So again I ask: what exactly are you choosing when you make a PDF?
Mike Witherell in Maryland
Seems to me I remember a [Standard] joboptions setting back around version 3.
What do you mean by the text is really poor? Is this on screen or in print? Do you have smoothing enabled in Acrobat?
Sorry I have only just been able to reply.
Mike; I choose file%26gt; Adobe PDF Preset %26gt; High Quality Print%26gt; save file to desktop%26gt; Export. The in the detailed options I leave standard, If I need to I will show marks and bleeds but thats about it.
Peter; The text is of really low quality. I am using Arial in indesign but when PDF'd The text looks like what I can only describe as ****** microsoft Times new roman really jagged edges and just not right at all. I wish I could post a screen shot but apparentley you can't!! Its on screen but when I try to print an error message comes up and says ''document will not print'' I can still open old Indesign files and print from pdf's and although the text is the same on these pdf's I am able to print.
I am considering uninstalling and then Re-installing Creative suite as thios has never happened before! HELP!!!
I can also highlight text in the PDF which I could not do before, If that helps!?
Here's a list of file-hoting services you can use to put up a link to the PDF: http://www.adobeforums.com/cgi-bin/webx/.3bbd96ba/1
You can post a screen capture on one of those, too, or use pixentral.com. Post the links to what you post here.
Uninstalling and reinstalling this software is
not going to resolve your problem; you might actually get into more problems. Unless you can provide an example of what your problem is, there isn't anything much we can do to assist you. There is no known general problem matching what you describe. Thus, we would need to look at the content to help you find a solution.
BTW, regardless of what you may think of Times New Roman, there is absolutely
nothing wrong with that font itself. You may not like its design, but the font itself is not a known issue.
- Dov
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