I can fix this manually, but I have to believe as good a program as ID is, that this little issue can't have been overlooked.
Anyone out there have a solution?
Text wrap issue
Any chance that ''Apply to Master Page Only'' got turned on in the Text Wrap dialog? Might be a default on the master page (though I don't think so) -- it only shows up in the Text Wrap flyout when you're on a master page.
Text wrap issue
I don't even see that option on my text wrap dialog, even when I'm on a master page
It's the little flyout menu at the top right. You have to be clicking on an object that already has text-wrap applied before it even shows up. Find it?
What version are you using? I don't have that flyout option (nor do I have the wrap to dro-down). I'm old school...CS2 :)
I think it was added in CS3. It's certainly in CS4.
so is there a way around this in CS2?
Could be scripted and I'm going to guess it has been.
There seems to be an issue in CS2 with master page items being static relating to their appearance on doc pages. I just tried to send to back a text box that was overlapping one of my master pages objest and it didn't do it.
I'm guessing this is related to how the text wrap issue works as well.
That was one of the short-comings of earlier versions of ID -- Text wrap on a master item only worked on the other master page items, not on a live page.
Short of scripting, about the best option I can think of is to select it on the master page and cut it it to the clipboard, then ''paste in place'' on each live page, which is a real pain in the neck.
I'd definitely ask in the scripting forum if anyone has a script for CS2 already written.
I did what you said, copy the text wrap path and paste it. It worked fine and luckily my document is not too big, but I could see it being a problem down the road. Thanks
Thanks all for the help. Now I don't have to go back to using Quark :)
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