Sunday, April 4, 2010

how many stories in a document

Another question about preparing a book. i'm doing each chapter in a separate indesign document. i've been putting all the text in one long story for each chapter. i think i did this originally to make it easy to export the text as one document. it's been so long since i've had to export, i can't remember why i did it. anyway, now i'm wondering if it would be easier for me to have each topic in the chapter as a separate story. sometimes a chapter could be 60 pages. my problems arise when i want to insert a topic midway thru a chapter -- i have to insert pages and work to keep the graphics with the related text. although i'm learning to use anchored graphics, i'm thinking maybe it would make life easier to have several smaller stories within each id document. suggestions?
how many stories in a document
This is a matter of personal preference and work style, as much as anything. You'll find people here (not me) who would do an entire 500 page book as a single story.
how many stories in a document
I'd advise to keep stories as small as practical. Longer stories effect

performance (sometimes drastically) since very often the entire story

needs to be recomposed after a small edit.


Harbs wrote:

%26gt; You'll find people here (not me) who would do an entire 500 page book as a single story.

That's me. I like to be able to Select All and really select everything.

I see a performance hit when there are many (hundreds of) anchored or

embedded graphics. Otherwise, on my machine at least, a 500 page book

acts about the same as a 24 page booklet.


Kenneth Benson

Pegasus Type, Inc.
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