Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Placing graphics in frames on master...

In ID CS2 on WinXP+SP3 -- is there a way to create a frame on a master page, and have that frame available on the document pages for placement of a series of graphic images?

I can create the frame on the master page; I just can't select the frame on the document page when it comes to placing any of the graphics. And I can't find anything about this in the online help or manual (only in placing text, and the method given for that doesn't appear to work with graphics).

Am I wrong in thinking this is possible?

Can anyone help jog my memory please on how this can be done?
Placing graphics in frames on master...
Ahh, it's OK, I remembered how:

Ctrl+D to load the graphic, then Shift-click on the frame to place it.

Placing graphics in frames on master...
Try it without the Shift key.

Hmmm, I've just re-learnt something else.

I was about to reply that I found it didn't work without the Shift key, but I did some experimenting and discovered that if I create the document, then go into the Master page and create the frame using the Frame tool, then Ctrl-D and then clicking without the Shift key works to place the graphic, and the frame becomes selected -- which is obviously what I wanted to have happen.

However, I'd initially created the frame on the Master page by selecting the ''Master text frame'' option in the ''New Document'' dialog -- if I do that, then the graphic is only placed in the frame if I Shift-click.

I'm sure I knew that at some point, and even understood why this is the case; it's just that it's been quite a while since I needed to use a frame on a master page, so I'd forgotten what I knew about all this.

Thanks for your help, Scott.

The reason that it doesn't work with the master text frame is InDesign is expecting text input, not an image, in the text frame.

A frame (or for that matter an object drawn with one of the shape tools) can accept any kind of input (though if you want to put text into it you'll need to release it from the master page first).


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