Tuesday, December 6, 2011

ID4 page where clicking does no move...

I've been using ID4 for several months, and ID2 and 3 before that. I'm working on a 90-page document where I've been adding and deleting a lot of pages and re-ordering pages, so page numbers of each page have changes a lot over the last month (in case that makes a difference).

Starting yesterday, one page that already contains text in a frame will not accept the mouse cursor by clicking there anywhere on the frame. The text tool is selected. Whether I click over a word or drag to select text, the cursor does not move to the place I clicked.

I can click on the next page to position the cursor there and then use the Arrow keys to move my way to the location I want. And once the mouse cursor is on the page, I can click elsewhere on the page to move it there, but once the cursor leaves the page, I cannot get it back on the page with a click.

As a clue, this page is the first page in a chain of linked text frames.

Has anyone else seen this? Does anyone know how to make this behavior go away? Should I be reporting this somewhere as a new bug?


ID4 page where clicking does no move...
Let's clarify which version you are using. ID4 is CS2. CS4 is InDesign version 6.

ID4 page where clicking does no move...
I'm using InDesign CS4.

One other thing I noticed as I try to work around this issue: If I create an anchored graphics frame inside the borders of the text frame, I can work with it until it loses focus. To get focus back on the graphics frame, I have to change to the Pointer tool, and clicking on the frame (with its Placed image) does not select the graphics frame. The only way I can select the graphic frame with the mouse is to first move the text frame so that at least part of the graphics frame is outside the text frame. I select it by clicking outside the text frame, make my changes, and then slide the text frame back into its correct position.


Just to eliminate a possibility of an errant frame, zoom out so you can see the page and try clicking with the text tool in the frame you want to edit. If there is an empty frame of any sort in front of that text frame your text tool should activate an insertion point in that front frame, which will probably show up above and to the left of the frame you are trying to edit.

Another good test would be to switch to the selection tool and hit Ctrl + A to select all objects on the spread. DO you see any extra frames anywhere?


Thanks, Peter, you solved the problem. It seems there were two text frames that had exactly the same borders except at the bottom. I'm surprised that when dragging with the Selection tool they both moved together, even when I dragged in the middle of the frame.

Anyway, I used the lower left corner to reduce the empty frame to under 1 square inch and the deleted it. All seems normal now.

I appreciate your help, as always,


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