Tuesday, December 6, 2011

6.01 does not fix my interface problems

I have previosusly reported minimize/maximize problems with a dual monitor setup, and a floating control panel. (filed a bug report as well)

See http://www.adobeforums.com/webx/.59b6ce2e/3

The problem is still there.
6.01 does not fix my interface problems
I wonder if I am the only one who has this problem. May be this is because of the way I have ID set up on two monitors:

I have a horizontal toolbox at the top of monitor 1, between the Arrange Documents dropdown and the Workspaces dropdown, above the document area.

I have a floating control panel, in the top left corner of monitor 2.

When I start Indesign, the top right corner of monitor 1 looks like this:


The top left corner of monitor 2 looks like this:


As you can see, there's a grey rectangle that runs from the toolbox on monitor 1, across to monitor 2, where it covers part of the control panel. On monitor 1, it covers the Workspace dropdown, search field, and the close/minimize buttons.

Moving the toolbox a tiny bit removes the grey rectangle, and everything becomes normal.

Besides, there is the minimize/maximize bug, when I maximize the program from a minimized state, the main program window doesn't come up, but all the panels do. I have to move the control panel to make the program window appear. Also, any other open program will stop responding until I either move the control panel, or close Indesign from the taskbar.

Could somebody try to reproduce this?
6.01 does not fix my interface problems
I forgot to mention it's Win XP SP3


The issue described here has been reproduced (for reference it is issue #1911106). Of course, we will attempt to include a fix for this in a future release. Currently, I only have evidence of two customers being impacted, so it's hard for me to argue that this should be included in an out of cycle (dot) release, compared to issues that are causing many people to crash, or get incorrect output, etc. If you have any information that can help me to make the business case for fixing this sooner, I'll use it to the best of my ability.




Thanks a lot for this response.

All I can say is that these bugs are extremely annoying, but at least I can Alt-Tab between ID and other programs with no problems.

Thanks again.

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