ID CS4 6.0.0
Windows XP SP3
3gb ram
750gb HD free
I have a library of PDF pages that I use in ID. Not all of the PDFs were created with the same definition of bounding box but all have the same definition of cropbox. As a result, I need to import my images using cropbox to get uniform placement. I know how to set the option for cropbox or boundingbox but that option seems to reset itself from time to time to boundingbox which wreaks havoc on my layouts. I find I have to always double check myself to make sure that the import option is set to cropbox. Is there any way to set the default to cropbox instead of boundingbox and ensure that it will not reset to the program default which seems to be boundingbox?
Force ID CS4 to import using cropbox
IME it remembers the last setting. But you should definitely download
and install the 6.0.1 update.
Force ID CS4 to import using cropbox
Yes, it does seem to render to the ''last'' setting, however... and I could be wrong about this... it appears that any number of things including an unplanned exit of ID, reset the preference to ''bounding box''. As my workstation is used by multiple people, it's problematic not to be able to set the default to ''cropbox'' because I never know whether someone intentionally or accidentally might have reset the preference. I've lost entire days worth of work because of this. I just pulled the update and have installed it. I can't tell that it has any bearing on this particular subject however.
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