Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Book page, automated lay up help?


I have a book of 300 pages that I'm trying to lay up in Indesign, each page is a pdf file and I'm laying the pages 4 up to an A3 sheet. with each page of the book duplicated 4 times on each A3

So far I've got the lay out of the page sorted and using the LINK option I can link each PDF page to a quater section of my A3 page.

However, I'm having to click the PDF link for each page each time it inserts a page into its section.

Is there anyway I can automate this? So that it links each page four times to an A3 page and then moves on to the next PDF?

I hope this makes sense...
Book page, automated lay up help?
You should not be doing this. Commercial printers have the automation software for this called imposition. You should just lay out the 300 pages one up on a finish page size document and let the printer take care of the imposition. Talk to them.

Or you could buy such software if you have money left over after the Adobe products.


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